Our Instructors

Carissa Hammonds,
Head Coach and Founder

Coach Carissa started fencing in 1996 while attending Virginia Tech where she competitively fenced in foil and epee with the Virginia Tech Fencing Club. When she moved home to West Virginia, she continued fencing with WVU’s fencing club. She moved around over the years with her husband and children before finally settling down in the Poconos in 2016.

She started working with the Pocono Family YMCA as an assistant swim team coach and a year later she started the fencing program at the YMCA. Over four years, the YMCA program successfully grew from six fencers to over forty. She took the program from a introductory class to a competitive team with fencers in all three weapons.

Coach Carissa serves as the Chair of the Northeast PA Division of USA Fencing, on the Professional Development Committee at US Fencing Coaches Association, and as a board member and Vice President of WFencing. She is a Moniteur de Fleuret and currently working towards her Moniteur d’ Armes. Coach Carissa continues to compete in Veteran Women’s foil and epee as well as open water swimming.